Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Back to Work

So Lexy is going to be five months in like 3 days and she is so different! I put some pics of her with Torett0 (her BFF) because she loves him so much it is crazy!! She watches him wherever he goes and reaches out for him to come over to her and grabs his fur and rips it out and loves to feel it with her hands and feet. They are so cute together! He totally watches over her and lets her do whatever she wants to him...in between licking her face and legs! :) She has learned to roll over and hold her head up really good while laying on her tummy. She wants to crawl so bad...but she can't yet. For now she just lays there and looks from side to side and drools and smiles at you...like she's proud of herself! :)
She is also getting used to being home with Daddy while Mommy is at work. It is so hard to leave her in the mornings because she just lays there in bed staring at me and watching me get ready for work. I actually enjoy being back at work, but the commute is the worst thing ever. We definately are looking to move now so that I don't have to drive so far (1 1/2 hours each way!). I have to leave so early and by the time I get home after sitting in traffic I am just wiped out. But let me tell you, I love coming home to my cuties!! Robert is so great on his days off at taking care of Lexy and he even is now making these gourmet meals for dinner for me!! I'm loving it! I also love the fact that he takes care of her, just the two of them, because they have totally bonded in a way that never would have happened if I had always been around. He even noticed that he feels different about her...a way that's more protective and responsible for her. So, actually, going back to work has been a blessing in the way of bringing Lexy and her Daddy closer. :)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pics and Lexy and Toretto! So adorable! I miss you guys and can't wait to see you again soon! Love, Amy