Monday, November 13, 2006

The Countdown!!

Sorry it's been a while since my/our last update. I promise to put up pics of Alexya's room once it's's almost done we just need to build the crib and the glider chair and then all done! Oh and once the bathroom is done that too...
So, just an FYI to any preggos out there planning on maternity leave...if I didn't mention it before I have to mention it now because I just got my money finally from my company's insurance...only like 2 months after I filed the claim..but, better late than never! Good thing the state didn't take even half as long or we would have bill collectors after us! Let me just tell you that it was a huge back and forth battle of we need this...ok now we need this...ok now can you give us a DNA sample and your first born and your kidneys and then maybe we will send you the money we owe you...since after all, you've been paying for this policy every month and now you actually need to use it. Sorry, but I had to vent.
Robert has been working so hard lately, for the past month, picking up extra shifts and working overtime, he's been doing 70 hr work weeks and is so tired. But at least it helps him feel better that somehow he's contributing to the coming of our baby girl..since I'm just lying around with a big fat belly all day! ;)
Last update is I had a doctor visit today...and you know those always have something fun to talk about afterwards...So he's listening to her heartbeat and goes "do you feel that? You're having a contraction." "Holy crap! what?!" I say. So he laughs and tells me that I'm having a braxton hicks contraction and I can tell if I notice that my stomach is all hardened up. And I had no idea that's what that was...I've been feeling this for at least a month now and had just assumed that it was Lexy pushing really hard with her butt or something! So I asked if this means that I'm getting close because I'm having them like everyday sometimes 4-5 times a day and he says................. no. Boooooooooooooooooo! I also asked if I didn't feel these contractions, am I going to feel the ones when I go into labor?? (hey I had to ask..what if I miss them) and he laughed at me and said, yes I will definately know because those ones will be accompanied by pain. Ok, just checking people.
Oh and PS. I've gained a total of 45 pounds!!!! I'm officially at the big 180 now! geeze!


Debbie said...

Hey you! Well I take it that today you didn't bring Alexya home yet! (Today is 11.19.2006) You have a few more days to make her a Scorpio!!!

Anonymous said...

Jessica - I am glad to hear everything is going so well. Sorry that your sweetheart has to work so much. Remind him that it will be worth it when he sees his daughters face. He will lift her up, smell her, kiss her face, and just forget all those hours he worked. She will wash away everything. Now let him change her first messy diaper, then those hours will come rushing back.

Miss you girl!
Connie Jonas