Wednesday, August 30, 2006

She's Gonna Play Sports!

I just wanted to put in a funny update/story....

I went to the Doctor yesterday for my routine checkup and he was feeling her size and checking my weight etc... The other thing he checks is her heart beat with this device that's stronger than a stethescope, but I forget what the heck it's called. Anyway, he's putting it on my belly and moving it around to find her heart beat and he finally finds it and we're listening to it go swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh, all strong and normal, and then all of a sudden she kicks at the the thing so hard that it goes "boom" real loud and bounces it off my belly! My doctor was so surprised and goes "she just kicked me!" and starts laughing so hard that I started laughing too! It was so cute! She really is an animal I tell now that i gave you an example you have to believe me now! :)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Post Baby Shower Update

Here are some of the pictures from the baby shower! The one with Robert and the stroller doesn't show you that he was popping a wheelie with it! :) Anyway, I had a great time and I hope everyone else did too! Thank you Candice for doing an outstanding job organizing and planning everything! It was better than I could have ever imagined! The games were fun and the presents were amazing and the massage at the end relaxing.... :)
I'm almost done with all the thank you start checking your mailboxes next week! :)
We went and bought the dresser for Alexya's room and put the A's knobs on it and it looks so cute!! I put all the stuffed animals she got on top of it and the block letters of her name that Erica gave us. It really looks like a baby's room now! ...but it's not soon as it's done I will post a picture I promise.
The last update is the actual baby update. Long story short...she is an animal in my belly. She moves around so much that it wakes me up at night and actually hurts me sometimes! She moves so much that when she is not moving..I get worried, but then two seconds later..she moves so I'm ok. ;) The funny thing is that we bought her this lullaby thing from Target that plays songs ...well I put it on my stomach and play the music for her when she is going crazy and she will stop moving. The thing shuts off after 10 minutes and when it shuts off then she kicks my stomach in the spot where the thing is resting on it!! So crazy! She is so smart already I tell you!! I'm excited to meet her!
Oh ya, and Raiders have won all 3 preseason games and the A's are in 1st place!! Ye-ah Oaktown! :)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Big A's Fan - Little A's Fan

Jess and Missy and the fabulous shirt!!!