Friday, July 14, 2006

Baby Lexy

I will try to add pictures of my growing belly soon. I just can't find one that I like...

We went to another A's game and had a great time. Robert had a bunch of his peeps from work join us...AMR was in the house! and Candice and Missy and Chris came too. Missy made me a t-shirt that was so cute! It was white and had, in green letters, written across my chest "Big A's Fan" and then across my belly "little A's fan". It was freakin cute!! :)

Also, I finally felt Lexy move! It was so weird because I was lying down in bed at night and I felt this sensation like a big bubble moving and then I freaked out and then waited and I felt it again! I was so excited! Especially since the day before I had a nervous breakdown because I discovered that my stomach is freakin humongous!!! I burst into tears and Robert came running in and asked what's wrong...and I told stomach is gigantic!!!! and kept crying hysterically...and he started laughing at I cried even harder. Hormones are fantastic let me tell you....

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