Friday, June 23, 2006

Another Update! ~ 18 weeks

Hey everyone! So my bellly has grown another 1 1/2 inches and is now 36 1/2 inches! Woo-Hoo! I get full so quickly when I eat and I feel like there is no room for the food to go...even with this huge belly! What the heck is in there anyway!!??? The baby is only 5 inches long at this point and est. weight is 1/2 pound. I go for my big visit next wednesday to find out the sex!! I can't wait..i'm counting down the hours! Antonio or Alexya???? Place all bets now..odds are 50/50.

So on a crappy note...I got rear ended in my Acura on my way to work last Tuesday morning. So stupid. The lady just wasn't paying attention and I was stopped at the stop sign and she just rammed me. I think I freaked her out when I got out of my car w/my big belly! haha! Anyway, her insurance is going to take care of the estimated $940 damage. And don't worry your pretty little heads because I'm fine! :) And the baby is fine! :)

Debbie is in Rome right now...she's been there all week and I really miss her! Work is not the same without her spazing out around me and making me laugh! Candice is in Chicago right now for a week visiting her friend...I miss her already too. Sushuma is still in Seattle (duh she lives there) and I miss her.... Ok really I just miss everyone!! Come visit me! :)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Hey mama, I'm back tomorrow! Can't wait to talk to you! Really excited (wink, wink)!