Saturday, August 23, 2014

Play Time & School Starting

Marcus finally learned to sit up by himself. I still keep the pillow behind him, just in case he decides to throw himself backwards.  It's opened up a whole new point of view for him and he has so much fun playing with his toys now!  It's really fun to watch him figure things out.  He gets SO proud of himself when he can do something he's trying to do...and SO frustrated when he can't!  He's definately got a temper, but he doesn't give up-very determined.

He still loves his baths!

He works very hard at organizing his toys.  Taking them out and putting them back in, over and over.  It's really cute to watch the determination in his face while he "works on" his toys. :)
Thank you again Caleb, Andrea, Emerson & Gabbie~ these are his 2 favorites!

He gets so tired after playing and working all day.
And he loves his big sister and brother!

Marcus Gets His 1st Haircut!

This is the finished product!...

This was the process...He did a great job :)
As you can see, it was time to cut it....
The final straw was bringing him with us to a store and a lady saying, "she's just beautiful!"  LOL.  We said thank you and went home for a haircut :)