Sunday, April 06, 2014

Sonny Rides Without Training Wheels!

Sonny learned to ride his bike without training wheels on March 23, 2014!  It only took him a couple tries and he was balancing and riding on his own.  Then, the next day he taught himself how to start himself off and then ride!  Such a fast learner!  Go Sonny!
Sonny also likes to play basketball and do puzzles.  He starts Kindergarten in the Fall and already knows all his letters, except V and U.  He can write his name Santino and Sonny.  He loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and grilled cheese.  He loves Star Wars and quotes the lines from the movies all the time :)

Alexya is loving school and will go into 3rd grade this Fall.  She is excellent at Math and loves fashion design, drawing and coloring outfits on models.  She loves to sing and has a beautiful voice.  She loves to dance and constantly makes up dance routines to preform for us and for Marcus, who is her biggest fan!  She is fearless...rides way too fast on her bike, hangs and balances way too dangerously on the bars, and continues to push the limits on everything.  She is getting excellent grades at school and is an awesome big sister to both her little brothers!  She lost her first tooth on 2/15/14 and has lost another one since then=2 brand new big bottom teeth!

Marcus is 3 1/2 months old and is looking like a baby vs. like a newborn now.  He's very strong and can hold his head up and tries to pull himself up when he's laying down and you grab his hands.  He is always smiling and loves his big brother and sister so so so much!  He loves his baths and feeding time!  He is laughing at things now and it makes it fun to play with him.  We tried to take him to his first A's Game on 4/4/14 but it was canceled due to rain/poor field conditions! Boooooo!  We'll have to make another attempt soon.  Marcus loves just being held and watching all of the madness that is going on around him every day!  It is so fun having him in our lives and we all love him so much!