Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Love the A's and Love My Baths!

I'm trying so hard to keep my blog updated, but it's become very hard to find free time these days.  My typical week is Mon-Thurs Robert works all day (9:30-9:30).  Lex has school and Sonny has school MWF.  I try to work a couple hours in the morning and then a couple in the afternoon when Marcus is content or sleeping.  Between working, watching Marcus, pick ups, drop offs, homework, lunches, dinner, baths and bedtime routine, it's very busy.  My free time seems to be after the kids are asleep when Marcus and I watch my recorded shows for an hour before he finally passes out and I try to get some sleep before waking up to feed him at 3am.  I just want to get all this down, so that, when I think back and wonder,"where did the time go?", I'll know!:)

Another story I want to make sure I never forget is one about a moment I had with Sonny:  it was bed time and I was frustrated and tired and just trying to get the kids in bed.  I told them to brush teeth and put Jammie's on and get in bed if they wanted to get tucked in.  Sonny was taking his sweet time and I said,"forget it Sonny, I'm not tucking you in."  So I go downstairs and he comes down after me and says,"mommy, tuck me in!"  "No," I say, "you took too long, so too bad, go to bed."  He says, "nope, I'm gonna sit right here until you tuck me in."  "Fine, then sit there all night," I say.  "Fine," he says.  Finally Lexy comes down and says, "why isn't Sonny in bed?"  So I tell him to just have Lexy tuck him in and he says fine and they both go upstairs.
And then I feel bad.
So, Marcus finally falls asleep and I get to relax and ...feel even worse for not tucking him in.  So, I go upstairs and he is in bed and still awake.  I grab the covers and tuck him in and say, "there, I tucked you in.  I love you Sonny."  I give him a kiss and he gives me a huge smile.  I say goodnight and go back downstairs.
1 minute later he comes running down the stairs and straight into me, giving me the biggest hug ever. "I love you Mommy," he says, and runs right back up stairs to bed.
In that moment, I know...he is so sweet and sensitive.  This is a moment where actions speak volumes and I am SO thankful for my oldest son and look forward to the man he will become.