Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011!

Halloween was so great this year because we finally LIVE in the neighborhood that we always go trick-or-treating in!!! We got to have fun in a totally decorated, safe, fun neighborhood and meet our new neighbors at the same time. Alexya actually found out that we live 4 houses down from a girl in her class and so of course we ended up all trick-or-treating together! We also found out that another classmate (a boy) lives across the street and one house over. It's so great that we get to live close to her new friends. :)

Alexya (Jessie), Sonny (Woody) & Kara (Cinderella)
Trick-or-Treating Cousins!

I dressed up as "Jessie's Mommy" :)

The kids fingerpainted their pumpkins. Alexya went for the rainbow/smiley face approach....Sonny went for the black all over style....does this mean anything???? You tell me. ;)

Happy with his art work!

I LOVE this picture! (can you tell they're related? LOL!)
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