I know I need to write an update, since it's been forever since my last update, but so much has happened I'm not sure where to begin....
School: Lexy is loving 3rd grade and her teacher, Mr. Thomas. She's doing book reports and reading really well, finally. She's doing research articles and giving oral presentations to the class. She's got lots of friends and I've finally branched out and made some more "mom friends," which has given her more time with her friends after school. I'm really proud of her. She's really helpful with Marcus and is just so loving. She just turned 8 last week! I can't believe I have an 8 yr old daughter! :)
Sonny is just flourishing in Kindergarten! He is so smart and loves learning. It's so fun and exciting to hear him talk about the new things he learns everyday. He's got lots of friends and even Robert was amazed at how many "hi, Sonny"s we hear when we take him to school. He always tries to do his best and really enjoys life. He'll be 6 in a couple months. He's also such a loving big brother to Marcus and tries to help me out when he's home from school.
Marcus will be turning 1 in a few weeks! He is so sweet. He loves snuggling and getting hugs, where he will pat your back! He is crawling everywhere and pulling himself up on everything. He likes to study and figure things out and is a quick learner! He is babbling like crazy and saying "mumum" "baba" "uh-oh" and a couple other words. He loves his family and just smiles and gets so excited to see them when he wakes up in the morning or when they come home. It's so funny when they fight or yell at each other, he will do this fake scream that seems like he's trying to join in! It cracks me up.
I've been so busy with school pick ups, drop offs, homework help, watching Marcus, working 6-7 hours a day, housework, all without Robert since he works all day, Monday-Thursday. I really look forward to Fridays!
And all this is going on and suddenly life throws you another curve ball...
My brother, Chris, Sonny's Godfather (and best friend), was in a motorcycle accident a few weeks ago. He fell off his bike going around a turn and hit his head. He had such bad swelling that they had to do surgery and induce a coma, which lasted about 10 days. He's awake now, but not talking yet. They've moved him into the rehabilitation part of the hospital to continue his treatment.
I've been to see him while in the coma, but haven't been able to see him since he's woken up. I only get updates from my mom, Sush, and dad and siblings who have been able to see him. I can't seem to get a handle on my emotions and am having a really hard time with this. Chris is such an important part of our lives and is always so involved with the kids and our activities, that it's hard not having him around and trying to explain what's going on to the kids. I've told them the basic facts, that he's hurt and in the hospital, and they can't see him. It's really hard for them to accept, because they always see him and really want to make sure he's ok. So, I'm trying to stay positive and keep them from worrying too much and....we all really miss him and want him to get better soon!